Are English Bulldogs clingy?
Bulldogs: The Clingy Velcro Dog Breeds to Love & Learn AboutWelcome to our guide on bulldogs! This comprehensive guide will provide you with all the information you need to know about these wonderful, velcro-like dogs. We will cover the history, temperament, clinginess, exercise needs, training tips, socialization, diet, and grooming requirements of bulldogs. Youll also learn why these lovable canines are often considered a classic example of a velcro dog, as well as what makes them so clingy. ... read more
Beagle Weight Loss: Creating a Personalized Plan for Your Pet
7 Ways to Help your Beagle Lose WeightMy neighbors beagle, Cookie has gained a lot of unhealthy weight lately. So we decided to take this challenge of transforming Cookie by helping her to lose excess weight.After doing a lot of research and talking with my vet, I found seven effective ways to help a beagle lose weight.These ways worked amazingly for Cookie, and they will help any beagle to lose unhealthy weight. But just to be safe, consult your veterinarian before implementing them.1. Start ... read more
Is 20Kg a small dog?
Weight Of Dog BreedsUpdated November 29, 2020Below is a chart of the sizeof common dog breeds we see in Adelaide.Needhelp choosing a suitable dog breed? Other resources include our Guide to low maintenance dog breedsand 20 good family dog breeds. What IsMy Dogs Ideal Weight?These dog breed bodyweights are averages taken from our clinic files and can only be used as rough guidelines. Just like people, individual dogs can havesmaller or larger ideal sizes. For a more accurate assessment,visit ... read more
Can I wash my bulldog every week?
How Often Should You Bathe Your Dog?For a lot of new dog owners, it can be difficult to determine how often you should bathe your puppy or adult dog. The truth is, the answer depends on a lot of factors.How frequently a pet needs a bath greatly varies based upon their breed, lifestyle, length of coat, and how much homework a pet owner is willing to do, says Beth Cristiano, owner of Pretty Paws LLC, headquartered in Harrison, N.Y.Whats Your Dogs Coat Type?The type of coat your dog has is a big ... read more
Are Beagles always hungry?
Why Do Beagles Eat So Much? Greedy or Hungry?If youve ever watched a Beagle devour its meal, you may have found yourself asking, why does my beagle eat so much, why are beagles so greedy and is there something wrong with my beagle? This seemingly insatiable appetite is common amongst Beagles, but what drives this behavior? In this article, we discuss why beagles eat so much, explore the reasons behind their apparent greed and provide practical tips to ensure they stay healthy and dont become ... read more
Do Yorkies only like one person?
9 Reasons Why Yorkies Are Loyal to One PersonIntroduction:Yorkshire Terriers, or Yorkies as they are affectionately known, are one of the most popular small dog breeds in the world. While they may be small in size, their loyalty to their owners is boundless and heartwarming. Many Yorkie owners have experienced the unique bond these dogs form with one particular person. In this article, well explore nine reasons why Yorkies are known for their unwavering loyalty to one individual.Size and ... read more
How can I get my dachshund to lose weight?
Why wont my dachshund lose weight?Why wont my dachshund lose weight?Dachshunds are tricksters and can easily get their way, so spoiling or pampering them with excessive food is not that difficult. But, however tempting it might be to feed extra treats to your dog, bear in mind that obesity is extremely harmful to these active dogs. So, if you want to avoid ending up with an overweight Dachshund, or help your doxie lose weight read on to find out how it is done.How to Tell if Your Dachshund Is ... read more
Are Yorkies very smart dogs?
Are Yorkies Smart? A Look at Their Intelligence LevelsLast Updated on June 27, 2023 by Denise Leo. Post first published on June 26, 2023.Yorkshire Terriers, also known as Yorkies, are a popular toy dog breed that has captured the hearts of many pet lovers worldwide. One of the most commonly asked questions about Yorkies is whether they are smart dogs. The answer is yes. Yorkies are intelligent dogs that are quick learners and have great memory skills.Yorkies are known for their high level of ... read more
How old is a 7 year old Bulldog in human years?
How to Calculate Dog Years to Human YearsSince the 1950s, the popular calculation of how old a dog was in human years has been that one dog year is the equivalent of seven human years. Even though this formula has been around for a surprisingly long time, the reality is not so cut-and-dried. That doesnt stop people from defaulting to this traditional calculation. You cant really kill the seven-year rule, says Kelly M. Cassidy, a curator of the Charles R. Connor Museum at Washington State ... read more
How long do Yorkies stay alive?
How Long Do Yorkies Live? Average Lifespan & Causes of Death997Yorkshire Terriers are one of the most famous dog breeds in the United States. Thanks to their adorable looks and friendly temperament, these pooches rank 13th in the American Kennel Clubs round-up of the most popular dog breeds. But do Yorkies have long lives?The average lifespan of a Yorkshire Terrier is between 12 and 15 years old. These pups have pretty long lives; however, Yorkies are predisposed to some common health issues. ... read more
Beagle Obesity: Breaking Down Common Myths
Medical Myths: 5 common myths about obesityAccording to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in the United States, 42.4% of adults have obesity. Globally, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimate that around 650 million adults have obesity.People are growing increasingly aware of the health issues associated with obesity. However, despite public health campaigns, myths continue unabated. Many of the most common myths drive stigma that can impact the mental health of people ... read more
Is 7 old for Bulldog?
How Much Should American Bulldog Weigh? American Bulldog Weight Calculator.Updated on Jan 29, 2023American Bulldog GrowthQuick Links: Table of ContentsAmerican Bulldog Growth Did you just get the American Bulldog puppy? And do you want to know when your American Bulldog will stop growing and how big your American Bulldog will get? Or do you want to know if your American Bulldog is of the ideal weight for its age?In this article, we will answer all these relevant questions related to ... read more
Do big dogs realize how big they are?
Do Big Dogs Know How Big They Are?Ive gotta say, it sure doesnt seem like my big dog knows how big he is when he climbs up on my lap exactly as he did when he was a puppy! If youve spent any time around a big dog, you may think the same thing, that he (or she) has NO clue as to their size. Today were going to take a closer look at what we know dogs know and determine how to utilize this information to our advantage. I can tell you for sure the short answer to Do Big Dogs know They are is Yes, ... read more
Is there a difference between a Yorkie and a Yorkshire Terrier?
Meet Two Similar Yet Different Breeds: Yorkshire Terrier and Silky TerrierYorkshire Terriers or Yorkies may look dainty, but in their hearts, they are true terriers feisty, brave, and packed with personality. Thats probably why they are one of the most popular breeds in America, ranking 10th out of the 193 breeds recognized by the American Kennel Club.These affectionate little dogs with the silky coats actually have a doppelganger in their lesser-known cousin, the Silky Terrier or Silky. Along ... read more
Beagle Weight Loss: Understanding the Link Between Anxiety and Weight Gain
Understanding the Link Between Steroids and Weight GainSteroids, a class of powerful anti-inflammatory medications, have long been revered for their effectiveness in managing a wide range of medical conditions. From asthma and autoimmune diseases to severe allergies and inflammatory disorders, steroids play a pivotal role in alleviating symptoms and promoting healing.But do steroids make you gain weight? Indeed, the therapeutic benefits of these drugs often come hand in hand with a less ... read more
Dachshund Obesity: Genetics vs. Environment
Obesity: genetic or environmental?Rachael Taylor is a Research Associate Professor based at the Edgar National Centre for Diabetes Research, University of Otago. Her research focuses on the environmental factors that contribute to obesity. Rachael is one of the investigators of several large projects aimed at determining different ways of effectively preventing children from becoming overweight or helping them to reduce their weight in an appropriate way. Her work is primarily concerned with ... read more
At what age do bulldogs stop growing?
French Bulldog Growth & Weight Chart: Everything You Need To Know According to the Veterinary Centers of America, French Bulldogs require minimal, but daily exercise. Most French Bulldogs do well with a leisurely walk or active playtime. Be careful with taking your French Bulldog out in hot weather though as their brachycephalic syndrome makes them prone to overheating and heat stroke. As a general rule temperatures over 80 degrees should be avoided for French Bulldogs. In addition to a ... read more
Why is my 2 year old dog grey?
Why Is My Dog's Muzzle Hair Turning Gray?As a pet parent with an adopted dog, you might not know your dog's exact age. And now his hair, especially around his muzzle, is turning gray. Does a gray muzzle mean he's becoming a senior dog? Or is it a sign that something is wrong?Gray hair on a dog's face and around his muzzle is a natural occurrence as he ages just like turning gray is a natural occurrence for humans. Because dogs age faster than humans, they turn gray sooner than their pet ... read more
How long does it take an obese dog to lose weight?
How to Help Your Overweight Dog Lose WeightWant to know a simple secret that can help your overweight dog lose weight? And live longer, too?To be successful, every weight loss plan must be based upon one simple principleDogs that consume fewer calories than they burn lose weightSimple, right? Yet if weight loss was truly that easy, why are so many pets overweight?An Epidemic of Overweight DogsToday, dogs are fatter than ever. Its now estimated that 45% of all U.S. dogs are either overweight or ... read more
How to know if a dachshund is purebred?
How to Identify if Your Dachshund is Purebred The iconic wiener dog has been listed in the top 10 most popular breeds according to the American Kennel Club (AKC) and their entertaining antics will make you fall head over heels while their fierce loyalty will capture your heart for a lifetime. The Dachshund, whether they be standard size or miniature, smooth coated, long-coated, or wire-haired, is one of the most recognizable breeds in the United States, but how exactly do you know your little ... read more