What smell do Yorkies hate
Yorkie tolerance of cold or hot weather & temperature
What temperature is too cold for a Yorkie
When the temperature is 45 degrees Farenheight (around 7 degrees Celcius) a Yorkshire Terrier will find it difficult to regulate their body temperature. As Yorkies have a small body mass and a finer coat than most breeds. They also dont have the undercoat of breeds that were bred for cold climates.
How cold is too cold for a Yorkie to be outside
As stated, when the temperature is below 45 degrees Farenheight a Yorkie will have difficulty keeping themselves warm.
It is important to not only take in to account the temperature. The wind chill factor can really affect your Yorkies comfort level. Even more, cold rain, sleet, and wet snow will quickly be absorbed by their coat. Their coat will retain the water which when combined with the cold, can quickly increase the risk of hypothermia.
The temperature of the surface they are walking on outside can also be even colder than the air temperature. It is crucial to take safety precautions to protect and keep your Yorkie safe and healthy when it is cold.
Winter and cold weather tips for Yorkies
When your Yorkie is inside the cold is not such a major concern for them. They probably have a nice warm bed and a fire, heater or heat pump to keep them warm.
These tips will help keep your Yorkie safe and warm when outside in the elements.
Wrap up warm
Put a warm waterproof coat on your Yorkie. Ideally, a jacket with a hood is best. A lot of body heat can be lost through the head and ears. You may even want to put a couple of layers on them such as a jumper under their jacket.
View the range of winter clothes for dogs on Amazon
Put boots on your Yorkie
A lot of heat is lost through the pads of the paws. In addition, the ground can be extremely cold and cause frostbite to your Yorkies paws.
View dog boots on Amazon.
Keep them active indoors
Your Yorkie will still need exercise and mental stimulation even when the weather outside is just too cold. For ideas on how to entertain a dog indoors see here.
Adjust how much you feed them
As your Yorkie may be less active in the winter months, consider reducing their daily food intake to suit. Alternatively, increase their calorie intake to add weight if they are off a slight build.
Make them visible
During the winter months, visibility and light outside can make it difficult to see your Yorkie when they are off-leash. Even when walking on a leash it will make them more visible to other people and cars.
Dont leave your Yorkie in the car alone
It is well known that you never leave a dog alone in a car in hot weather. This is just as true for the colder months also. The temperature can drop quickly in cold weather.
Go outside when the sun shines
Avoid early morning and late-night walks. Instead, go for walks when the sun is at its warmest. This is usually late morning or early afternoon.
Remember safety around heaters
Dogs will often seek heat during cold winter weather by snuggling too close to heating sources. This can include heaters and the fireplace. Make sure you have a pet-proof system to keep your Yorkie out of harms way.
What temperature is too hot for a Yorkie
Yorkie are vulnerable to excessive heat. Dogs dont have sweat glands like humans to help cool them off. Their cooling system is in their nose, tongue and paw pads.
They only have a small tongue, little paws, and nose that makes it more difficult to cool themselves. There are many safety concerns for a Yorkie in hot weather. The most obvious risk is heat sickness in the form of heat stroke and heat exhaustion.
Other risk issues include sunburn to the body and also the nose. Burning their paws on hot surfaces is also something to be very aware of.
Heatstroke and Heat Exhaustion
The dangers of heatstroke and heat exhaustion are very real and the potential for your Yorkie to suffer from this is very high. Especially if they are not conditioned to the hot and humid weather. Heatstroke can take several hours before it becomes deadly. Some extreme cases can cause death if the dog doesnt receive medical care immediately.
Signs that your Yorkie may be overheated include
excessive whining and fidgeting,
panting with the tongue right out of their mouth and being scooped at the end,
weariness, confusion, sluggish movement
red gums and tongue.
Other signs to look out for are foaming at the mouth, thickening of the saliva and breathing difficulties.
Dehydration can set in fast. During dehydration, the dogs mouth and gums will become dry and the skin will lose it elasticity. If you grab the skin on the back of the neck and stretch it will return slowly back into its natural position.
This is a sign that they are highly dehydrated and may go into shock. They will need IV fluids to be injected by your vet. Any signs of heat exhaustion or dehydration are a cue to stop the exercise and allow them to cool off.
Get into the shade or indoors if possible and give them small amounts of cool water. Dont let them drink large amounts at once. Use a wet cloth to cool their paws, groin, and armpits. Cooling a dog down too quickly can cause them to go in to shock.
Heatstroke, if not treated can be fatal. If they exhibit any vomiting, weakness, or seizures get them to the vet as soon as possible.
Humidity is also a factor. Dogs cool themselves by panting, and humidity makes their cooling system less effective. Every dog as their limitations when it comes to handling the heat.
Tips to avoid heatstroke, sunburn or paw damage.
Always check the temperature of the ground before going for a walk. Also, check when going on to a different surface such as going from the grass to footpath. This photo shows the damage hot ground can do to a dogs paw. If the ground temperature is too hot to put your hand on, it is probably an indication that it is too hot outside for your dog anyway.
Avoid vigorous exercise and play outside on hot days. Plan to exercise them early in the morning or later in the evening when the temperature is cooler. This will also prevent sunburn. Alternatively, exercise them indoors preferably in air conditioning.
Heat-related issues are very common in the early days of the hot weather. Your dog has not had the opportunity to become acclimated to the higher temperatures. Take extra care during this period. Expose your dog hot weather over a period of days so they can adjust.
Hydration is of crucial importance. Ensure you have water with you at all times when you are on your walks.
Be aware that a dog can suffer from heatstroke even if they are not involved in vigorous activity or it is not that hot. In fact, dogs can suffer from heatstroke even while swimming.
Obviously, never leave your Yorkie in a car or any area where they cannot stay cool.
Tips to cool your Yorkie down
These are some helpful tips to help keep your Yorkie cooler and more comfortable in the hot weather.
Give your Yorkie ice cubes or toys such as a Kong filled with water and frozen.
Get acooling matfor your dog. These are very effective and your dog will love to lay on one when they feel hot.
Use acooling vestfor your dog.Cools through the science of water evaporation simply wet the vest, wring it out and place on your dog
Groom your Yorkie. Depending on the style of groom you want your Yorkie to have, you can have them clipped shorter. Avoid shaving them too short. This can diminish their ability to stay cooler and can make them more susceptible to sunburn. A dogs fur acts to insulate them from the cold, but also from the heat.
Put a white T-shirt on your Yorkie. This stops there dark coloring attracting so much of the heat of the sun and gives protection from sunburn.
Provide anelectric fanto help circulate the air in the house. You can even put a container full of ice cubes in front of the fan to create cool air.
If you live in a two storey house keep your dog downstairs. As warm air rises the lower level of the house will be cooler
Keep curtains and window shades closed during the hottest part of the day. One of the best ways to keep the house cool is by keeping the hot sun out of the house to begin with.
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How to exercise a Yorkie
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Why Do Yorkies Smell So Bad? 14 Reasons + 3 Tips
Yorkies sometimes may have a foul odor to their bodies leading to a question: why do Yorkies smell so bad?
In this article, we will discuss:
- 3 Tips To Get Rid Of The Smell From Your Yorkie
- 14 Reasons Why Do Yorkies Smell So Bad
- And much more
Why Do Yorkies Smell So Bad?
The reason Yorkies have a foul odor is due to an accumulation of body oils and frequent skin rashes and allergies. Another reason for bad odor is due to sweat being trapped into the Yorkies dense fur. Thus, frequent grooming along with a healthy diet is necessary to keep your pup from stinking.
14 Reasons Why Do Yorkies Smell So Bad?
Here are the top 14 reasons why Yorkies smell so bad.
1. Lack of Proper Grooming
One of the common reasons why do Yorkies smell so bad is because of a lack of grooming. Yorkies have dense hair on their skin and thus are more susceptible to skin diseases and allergies.
Their hair also needs proper brushing to make sure there is good air circulation to the skin. Lack of dog grooming can increase the build-up of natural body oils making their skin greasy. This then causes a foul odor.
It is recommended to bathe your dog once every 4 weeks to maintain its cleanliness and to remove any smell from your yorkie. If your Yorkie is very active and tends to get its hair dirty easily, you can consider bathing it more often.
When grooming your dog make sure to be patient and gentle with them as some pups are actually scared of the whole process. Make sure you use the right product for your little Yorkie and not products that will irritate their sensitive skin. Here is an elaborate list of Dos and Dont according to PETA for grooming dogs.
2. Dental Disease/ Periodontal disease
Another top reason for Yorkies smelling bad is dental issues.
Just like humans, when plaque and tartar get built up in the teeth and gums of dogs, it results in bad breath. Yorkshire terriers are also very prone to gum overgrowth which then produces a foul smell.
Thus, good oral care is extremely important not only to get rid of bad breath but to also protect your little pet from underlying diseases like periodontal diseases.
The following are some common signs and symptoms given by John Huff, a dental specialist from VCA of periodontal disease in dogs that you can check for in your Yorkie:
- Discharge from the nose
- Bad breath
- Swelling under eyes
- Drooling
- Red, bleeding, and swollen gums
- Visible tartar
- Difficulty eating
If you notice any of the above symptoms in your Yorkie, check with your vet and get the dental issue treated as soon as possible.
3. Anal Gland Diseases (or Anal Sac Problems)
If you see your pet scooting its bottom to the ground, it is possible that it has some anal gland issues. A fishy odor is a result of secretion from these anal sacs in dogs.
Dogs use their anal glands to communicate with other dogs around them.
According to Anna Burke, an author for the American Kennel Club, anal gland problems are very common among small dogs. The secretion from these glands produces a bad odor. Thus, it is one of the important reasons why your Yorkie may be smelling bad.
If you think your Yorkie has an anal gland infection it is best to get it checked with a vet.
Some common signs of anal gland issues are:
- Excessive licking and chewing around the rear end
- Distinct smell often described as a mix of feces and fish
- Scooting and leaving a stain trail behind them
- Greasy, smelly brown discharge on the floor
- Diarrhea
- Painful poop and swollen anal sacs
4. Skin Problems
Skin infections and problems due to environmental allergies (mold, pollen, dust, pesticides, secondhand cigarette smoke), flea bites, food reactions can cause your Yorkies skin to become dry, itchy, and flaky.
Below are 5 natural remedies to soothe dry skin in dogs as per AKC.
- Oatmeal bath
- Coconut Oil
- Plain Yogurt
- Apple Cider Vinegar and Water spray
- Herbal tea soaks
Sometimes even open wounds, cuts, bites, or lacerations when left untreated lead to the formation of an abscess or pus which produces a bad odor. Make an effort to check your Yorkie regularly for any lacerations or bruised paws.
5. Seborrheaor Oily Glands
According to PetMD, seborrhea or seborrhea dermatitis is a skin condition of the sebaceous glands that causes the dogs skin to produce extra sebum and have flaky, itchy, or red skin.
According to Tammy Hunter, DVM, from VCA hospital, seborrhea can be either a primary or a secondary disease. Primary seborrhea is inherited and is seen in breeds like:
- West Highland White Terriers
- Cocker Spaniels
- Basset Hounds
Secondary seborrhea on the other hand is called idiopathic seborrhea, does not have exact causes. It can be caused due to underlying problems like:
- Environmental factors like humidity and temperature changes
- Internal and external parasites like ticks, mange mites, and fleas.
- Poor diet with lack of Omega 3 fatty acids
- Hormonal imbalances
- Musculoskeletal diseases
Dr. Tammy Hunter says that many dogs have a foul smell associated with seborrhea. As seborrhea is associated with excess sebum production, Yorkies who usually have dense hair fall victim to this. The smell keeps getting more foul if the seborrhea is worsened by the presence of a second bacterial or yeast infection.
If you suspect your yorkie has seborrhea, consult a vet to determine the type of seborrhea and the treatment options available.
6. Fleas Problem
A flea-infested Yorkie who is allergic to the saliva of the fleas will experience severe skin itchiness. This, in turn, would lead to rashes and even severe skin conditions.
According to PetMD, fleas can lay about 20 eggs per day. Thus, if your Yorkies flea infestation isnt taken care of from the very start, it can lead them to develop skin wounds and bruises due to excessive body itching which might lead to bad dried blood odor along with further skin problems.
Here are common symptoms of fleas in dogs:
- Excessive body scratching, licking, and biting
- Loss of hair
- Scabs
- Skin infections and rashes
- Ear infections
- Flea dirt
Heres an informative video on how to get rid of fleas in dogs:
7. Ear Infections
Ear infections are common in Yorkies as they have hairy and floppy ears. Bacterias and viruses may cause rashes around or in the ear. Ear mites feed off of your Yorkies ear wax and dead skin cells which causes further damage. So, ear infections can be one of the reasons for why do yorkies smell so bad.
A very common ear infection is a yeast infection which leads to a very pronounced odor. According to PetMD, a yeast infection in dogs occurs when there is excessive candida production in their body. This leads to a very musty smell in your Yorkies ear.
There are many over-the-counter medications to treat ear infections in Yorkies. Here is everything you need to know about ear mites in dogs as per AKC. You can also speak to your vet for more information.
8. Food Allergies
Seasonal or any type of food allergy in your Yorkie might cause them to have skin inflammation. This in turn may cause their glands to produce excess sebum and oil-producing a very musty odor.
Red meat allergies are very common in dogs. These foods contain preservatives or additives like food coloring that may lead your pet to have skin inflammation, rashes, allergies. As per Dr.Catherine Barnette, DVMat VCA hospitals, some common dog food allergies include:
- Beef
- Lamb
- Duck
- Soy or gluten
Take a look at the best 5 food picks if you have an allergic Yorkie.
9. Unhealthy Diet
Feeding your Yorkie more than required or having an unhealthy dietary plan can also cause skin issues. Their skin then starts producing excess sebum from certain glands in the skin which leads to a musty smell. A poor diet can also lead to a yeast infection which again produces a bad odor.
In particular, these are 3 things you should keep in mind when planning a healthy diet for your little Yorkie:
- Make sure to include food of high protein like chicken and quinoa.
- Keep away all kinds of additives, preservatives, fillers, and byproducts that may cause harm to your little four-legged pet
- Include superfoods like flaxseeds, apples, and sweet potatoes to your little Yorkies diet plan.
If you are concerned about what exactly to include in your Yorkies diet, check out our extensive guide here.
10. Flatulence/Gas
It is normal for all dogs to pass gas. However, if the gas really stinks, there must be an underlying problem. The reason behind it may be intolerable or certain food allergies that must have led your Yorkie to suffer from flatulence. This issue can be dealt with by speaking to a veterinarian who might then suggest dietary plans and changes.
Dr.Tammy Hunter, DVM from VCA hospitals state the following to be the main causes of flatulence in dogs:
- Compulsive eating
- Internal Parasites
- Tumors
- Spoiled food
- Dairy products
- Spicy food
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
- Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
11. Respiratory Problems
Sometimes problems in the respiratory tract of the dog can cause them to have bad breath and odor.
Issues in parts of the dogs respiratory system like the throat, trachea, throat, nose, and mouth cause breathing problems in them. It can lead to problems like dyspnoea (difficulty in breathing) and tachypnea (rapid breathing).
Respiratory problems like asthma, cold, sneezing, wheezing, and coughing along with other lung problems can also cause bad breath along with other serious conditions like pneumonia, lung tumors, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), and more.
Common signs of respiratory problems in dogs as per PetMd findings include:
- Difficulty in breathing
- Excessive coughing
- Gagging after coughing
- Wheezing
- Blue gums
- Fainting
If you observe any of these symptoms in your Yorkie, you should contact your vet immediately and get it treated before the situation worsens.
12. Chemicals
Your little pet may be having an allergic reaction to the chemical you may have used for cleaning your carpet, the detergent you use on their bedding and sheets, or the shampoo you are using on them. This may aggravate skin rashes and allergies and if not treated leads to a bad pungent smell.
You can replace these harsh chemicals with natural acidic cleaners like lemon and vinegar for your home. Here are 5 natural dog-safe cleaning products given by the American Kennel club that you can use to clean.
13. Underlying Medical Conditions
If your Yorkie has an underlying medical condition like hormonal imbalance and Cushings syndrome.
Cushings syndrome or hyperadrenocorticism according to the American Kennel Club is caused by a tumor in the pituitary gland. It takes time for these symptoms to develop. Some common signs include:
- Extreme thirst
- Frequent urination
- Weak Muscles
- Lesions on the skin
- Obesity
- Hair loss
Due to Cushings syndrome, they may tend to have greasy skin and oily skin which then produces a bad odor and causes them to smell a little funky.
14. Dirty Bedding
Dog owners want their dogs to have a nice and comfy bed for them to relax. Often what happens is they forget to clean their pets bedding which can lead pets to be flea-infested or smell bad.
Dr.Tina Wismer, DVM, recommends pet owners wash their dogs bedding every two weeks to maintain good hygiene and the health of their pet.
3 Tips To Why Do Yorkies Smell So Bad?
Now that we have looked at possible reasons for why do Yorkies smell so bad, lets look at some ways you can deal with the issue. It is important to remember that these solutions vary according to the issue your Yorkie is facing.
Thus, identifying the cause of the problem and then using the right technique to solve it will help directly tackle the issue at hand.
1. Bathe Your Yorkie With An Anti-fungal Shampoo
Using an No products found. for your Yorkie will help get rid of fleas and ticks on their skin.
Using good shampoos for your Yorkie will not only help get rid of bad odor and smell but will also make it easier to remove dead hair and built-up sebum on the skin that causes the bad odor in them.
Looking out for shampoos for your Yorkie? Take a look at the 7 best shampoos for your Yorkie here.
Watch this adorable video of a Yorkie owner bathing his little Yorkie.
2. Wash Your Yorkies Face and Brush Their Teeth
Yorkshire terriers are dogs known to have dense hair on their eyes, ears, and faces. Therefore, it is important for you to wash and clean their face every time they have had a meal. This will reduce bad odor.
Veterinarians recommend using facial wipes dogs to clean their faces. These facial wipes are only effective if you trim and cut your Yorkies hair.
Yorkies are prone to more dental health issues than other dog breeds. Thus, make sure your brush their teeth regularly to get rid of built-up plaque and Tatar. This will help reduce bad breath in your pet. In addition to brushing, you can give your Yorkie, dental chews and put them on a healthy nutritious diet.
3. Clean Their Bedding
In addition to keeping your dog clean, it is important to also wash their bedding, sheets, cushions, and even inside the cushion. This will help reduce the transfer of dirt, fleas, and bacterias to your Yorkie. This may help in reducing bad odor in your Yorkie completely.