At what age do Beagles get old
Old Beagle: What You Need To Know As Your Dog Ages
Most old Beagles are still puppies at heart. They may not be as fast these days, but they have racked up years of experience and make loyal, placid companions. They will benefit from some tweaks to their diet to give them the nutrition they need. And a few adjustments to his accommodations to make getting around a little easier will definitely help them enjoy their retirement.
Old Beagles usually slow down as the result of a variety of conditions, rather than succumbing to just one illness. Their joints stiffen, and their muscles weaken. They may be more prone to infections and illness. Cancer, arthritis, diabetes, kidney and heart problems are common issues you will need to keep an eye out for. Their skin becomes somewhat saggy. They may get a little lumpy, as they become prone to developing lipomassmall deposits of fat under the skin. They will also go grey around the face, and their fur becomes dry and brittle.
You may also notice that they become forgetful. Older dogs can experience memory loss just like us. Sometimes, your old dog might leave messes in the house. Older female dogs in particular may suffer with urinary incontinence. But there is plenty you can do to keep them comfortable and happy.
When Is a Beagle Officially Elderly?
A Beagles expected life span is 10-15 years, and a dog is considered geriatric when he has completed 75-80 percent of his expected life span. So, if we do a little math, 75 percent of 10 is 7.5 years.
That of course is the very youngest estimate. So, rounding it up, a Beagle over 8 years of age is getting on in years and could do with some special consideration.
Caring for an Old Beagle
As dogs age, their bodies systems slow down, and there may be some signs of general wear and tear. This does not mean that your dog is ready to shut up shop just yet. With some adjustments to their diets, routines and surroundings, they can live out their senior years to the absolute fullest.
Unless there is another health issue going on, your geriatric Beagle will still be very keen to eat, play and explore. But, for instance, perhaps getting their head down to food bowl level is a little more difficult these days.
Older dogs may also become forgetful.
Making Adjustments to Accommodate Older Dogs
Some simple adjustments like raising the food bowl and leaving it in the same spot may be simple solutions to address such problems. Of course, if your Beagle still isnt interested in his food, a trip to the vet might be warranted.
Similarly, ramps, rugs on slippery floors, comfy bedding, easy access to the toilet, extra attention to temperature control (ex. access to the indoors). And even stylist dog coats are other simple adjustments that will keep the pep in your old pooches step.
You may also need to think about keeping boisterous kids (humans and puppies) away from older dogs, as fading hearing and sight, along with fragile bones, are all factors that could lead to injury if play gets a little out of hand.
Old Beagle Diets
Many older dogs start to suffer with kidney problems or dehydration, so plenty of clean, fresh water at the ready is important for anyone who lives with an older dog, Beagle or not.
What you feed your senior Beagle will largely depend on your dog and what health conditions, if any, he has developed.
Beagles are particularly prone to get a little tubby. As all dogs get older, they cant run around and keep the weight off like they used to. For this reason, an older Beagle is at risk of becoming overweight or obese, which will put even more stress on his bones and joints.
Many older Beagles will benefit from a diet with less fat and calories.
Sudden Weight Loss With Old Beagles
When your Beagle becomes very old, however, bear in mind that he might start to lose weight, perhaps due to decreased appetite or a weaker sense of smell.
If this happens, the fat and calorie content in his diet may need to be increased again in order to make food more tempting.
This is also a good time to make sure he is getting adequate nutrition. But fats and calories are not the only things you need to pay attention to when feeding an older dog.
Mastering a Healthy Lifestyle for Senior Dogs
Fiber can help with constipation, which can be a problem for some older dogs. However, be careful that the amount of fiber included in your senior poochs diet does not interfere with the digestion of other nutrients.
Recent findings suggest that instead of the traditional cellulose-based fibers found commonly in dog food, slightly fermentable fiber may help with nutrient digestion. This may also assist in the regulation of glucose levels.
Depending on other health conditions your senior dog may be living with, a reduced sodium diet might be required. However, like us, dogs find a bit of salt in their food tasty, so make sure any reduced sodium diet is still palatable.
Dont underestimate how much a good diet and a healthy lifestyle can help keep your older Beagle in the best shape possible.
A study published in 2006 found that feeding older Beagles a diet rich in antioxidants enhanced the host defense mechanisms of the dogs. Additionally, so didincreasing activity levels and learning activities.
In short, it meant they were better able to fight off infections and toxins.
Attitude Changes in Old Beagles
They might also get grumpy or snappy. It is possible that this change in attitude is due to hearing and sight loss. They cant hear you walking up behind them so the sudden sight of a person right next to them could give them quite a fright.
Just make sure that any sudden snappiness is not due to pain, illness or injury.
If you are concerned about any behavior or symptoms your older Beagle is displaying, it is a good idea to contact your vet for a checkup.
While this might sound a little depressing, it is not all bad news. Your older Beagle will not necessarily experience all of the problems associated with aging.
An older Beagle will be calm and less boisterous than a younger doghappy to just be. And there will be no need to follow him around constantly to stop him from getting into mischief.
10 Year Old Beagles
A 10 year old Beagle is old, but not so old that he doesnt have a little pep left in his step. It is around this age when you should start getting more specific geriatric vet checks to keep an eye on his health and pick up any problems early.
Issues such as cancer, arthritis, memory loss, heart problems, kidney problems or diabetes could crop up, so keep an eye out for symptoms.
While your Beagle will still very much want to be part of the action, he might be getting a little stiffer and perhaps he will tire out quicker than he did before.
At this stage, make sure his weight is in check.
The Beagles sniffer is still likely in good shape, so he might insist on eating just as much food as he did as a young whipper snapper. Unfortunately this big appetite may come without keeping up the activity levels required to burn it all off.
Keeping your dog at a healthy weight will help reduce stress on his joints and might ward off mobility issues for a few more years.
(paid link)11 Year Old Beagles
Depending on the general health of your Beagle, the rate at which he slows down will vary. Adjust your dogs diet, exercise and living arrangements to keep him comfortable through these changes.
Remember that at this age, your Beagle may still be pretty sharp mentally, so dont forget to keep him occupied and involved in family activities.
12 Year Old Beagles
As the aging process progresses, keep an eye on your Beagles behavior and take particular note of signs of pain or confusion. If you feel some of your dogs symptoms are progressing rapidly, take him to the vet. There are treatments available for problems associated with aging, and it might just be what the doctor ordered to give him a new lease on life.
Older Beagles may start to develop Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome.
13 Year Old Beagles
Your senior dog will continue to slow down, and the grey hairs will keep popping out as your Beagle hits 13.
By this age, your dog, even if healthy, is most definitely a senior citizen. If he hasnt become much slower, dont be shocked if he starts acting a little old by this age.
Its wise to have plans in place if you need to make any big decisions around the end of your dogs life in the coming months or years.
14 Year Old Beagles
By this stage, your Beagle is probably starting to hit legendary status in your family and probably in your neighborhood too.
Make sure you make regular trips to the vet to monitor your dogs condition and make any adjustments to his care and medication as required.
Beagle Behavior by Age (What Changes to Expect)
You might have seen beagles who are very calm and gentle, and obedient. On the other hand, your beagle puppy is naughty and mischievous.
Well, theres nothing to worry about. The behavior of beagles changes by their age. You can expect different behavior at different stages of their life:
Beagles are super energetic and playful in their puppyhood. Between their adolescent age of 6 to 12 months, their behavior can be unpredictable and less obedient. They are relatively calm in their adult age, and they become slow and lazy in their senior years.
Further, we will have a deeper understanding of the behavior changes of Beagles as per their age.
Beagle Behavior at 0-2 Weeks
Beagles at this age are a newborn. They wont be doing much apart from sleeping and eating.
The eyes of the newborns remain closed in the first two weeks. They wont be able to see anything. Apart from that, at this age, they are deaf too. They will hardly react to anything.
Beagle Behavior at 2-4 Weeks
They will finally open their eyes, and over the weeks, their vision will become clearer. They will also be able to hear you now.
They will stick around their mother and still spend most of their time sleeping. By the 4th week, they may crawl and try to explore their environment.
Beagle Behavior at 4-8 weeks
Over these weeks, all their senses of hearing, smelling, and seeing will develop. But make sure not to expose them to strong light and loud noises just yet.
They will be even more curious. They would want to explore their surroundings, smell things and listen to different sounds.
They will still spend most of the time sleeping. But while awake, expect them to be playful and mischievous with their siblings and mother.
The latter part of this stage is very important. This is the time when they will learn basic socialization skills from their mother and siblings. So make sure not to separate your pup from its family.
Beagle Behavior at 8-12 weeks
At this stage, beagle puppies are ready to go to their new home with their new family.
They will have a better sense of hearing and will be able to understand few commands. However, they are still fearful at this age, so do not expose them to loud music or sounds.
They will be much more curious to explore their new home. They may go to different rooms and smell things around the house.
They will sleep for more than 18 hours a day, but they will be curious and playful when they are awake.
Beagle Behavior at 3-6 months old
At this age, you will get to see your puppys true energy level. They will be running around all over the house, chewing on things, and even biting you.
They will test their boundaries to see how far they can push you. For instance, they may bark for a longer period until they get something. They may even bite you when things dont go their way.
When Groot was at this stage, I almost thought my beagle is aggressive and totally out of control. But, the Groot(2 years old) that we know now is a very well-behaved, gentle, and obedient dog.
This is the right time to start with your beagles obedient training. Consistent training using positive reinforcement will help you shape your beagle into a perfect companion.
Later in this stage, they may also attempt to dominate you and become alpha themselves. So make sure to teach them the proper hierarchy of your family. They need to understand that they are a part of your family, but they are at the bottom of the hierarchy.
Beagle Behavior at 6 to 12 months old
Its all uphill from here. Your beagle will start becoming calmer with every passing day. All their bad behaviors will start fading down. With consistent training and positive reinforcements, the pup will be much more obedient.
Your beagle will still try to test their boundaries now and then. You will often find them chewing on furniture or notice other destructive behaviors.
So it is crucial to train them regularly and correct their behaviors using positive reinforcements.
Nevertheless, they will still be hyperactive and equally curious about everything. They will still have a strong urge to explore new places and smell different scents.
Male beagles may get into a habit of humping things or even people. You can read more about why do beagle puppies hump here.
Beagle Behavior at 1-2 years old
Your beagle is no more a puppy now, he or she has become an adult. Their growth rate will slow down, but they will continue to grow until 18 months old.
They will be less curious and more mature at this age. At this stage, you will get to know the true personality of your beagle. You will be able to see their love and affection for you.
They will have slightly better control over their impulses and excitement. You will notice that your training has finally paid off.
Your beagle will be much more disciplined and well-behaved.However, you must continue with their training.
They may show destructive behavior if you dont provide them enough exercise. So take them out on long walks daily and play with them.
Beagle Behavior at 2-9 years old
Your beagle will become much calmer and obedient when they turn 2. They will be in the best form of their life.
You will get to see a totally different side of your dog, and you will love it.
There will be a deep connection between you two. You both will have a better understanding of each other.
Beagle Behavior at 9 15 years old
At this age, the senior years of your beagle start. They will still be loving and affectionate towards you and other family members. But they will be a lot calmer and inactive.
There will be a notable difference in their behavior too. They will act OLD.
They wont run around the house or jump on you to get your food anymore. They will be a lot more inactive and lazy. They will spend most of their time sleeping and lying in their bed.
Beagle Behavior by Age Chart
Beagle Age | Behavior |
0-2 weeks | They wont be able to see anything and sleep most of the time. |
2-4 weeks | They will be able to see and crawl. |
4-8 weeks | Their sense develops, and they become more curious. |
8-12 weeks | They are ready to join their new family. They will be a lot more curious but fearful. |
3-6 months old | The toughest time for beagle owners. They may chew, bite and show destructive behavior. |
6 to 12 months old | They start to calm down but still have some bad behaviors. |
1-2 years old | They are much calmer. But can show destructive behavior now and then. |
2-9 years old | They are energetic, playful but yet well-behaved, obedient, and affectionate. |
9-15 years old | Loving and affectionate but inactive. |